Saturday, July 12, 2008

My hero wears lycra

I’m taken a back – don’t you try... gimme a holiday
Quit quoting lyrics pull yourself towards summin' constructive
Kill a dream
One sunken cheek
What time exactly is the next supposed to arrive?
Let it go
So sweet man
My heart’s a poundin' and I love it
Blow me away when you don’t try
drive me there
we both know they won't
bomb it up
suck it in
Oh Lee-Ann.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

my apologies

regroup focus sit upright in bed
it’s a good wine no sulphur I just heard he’s dead
five tears a question glue in my head
next week I’ll go platinum the ultimatum god knows his heart feels like lead
three minute intervals no one wants the flat
you know what I’ve always wanted as a pet?
a bat.
six season splurges
how will I get this glue outa my head?
please heal the burn on my ring finger
so I can sit upright in my bed

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

you'll be better off

Shooo bi doo wop doo wa
Almost like someone’s sitting on my lap
Ah life
She’s left
He blew a kiss out the window
in traffic close to
three months ago and she
likened the sensation
to when
your cheek first melts into a field of clover

Shooo bi doo wop doo wa
Wrote a letter with my pinky today
blew that chance
just like the kiss
onto Putney bridge

Thursday, May 15, 2008

what she is and what she ain't

so sassy so so sassy such sweet sassy silver soled shoes could you ask me again when I’m not wearing my sweet sassy silver soled shoes?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


What is she? now that it’s come down to a quote.
One silver wreath
she’ll keep it for good luck.

“I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it” Bob Dylan.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

they wear their shame on their sleeves

Stik stik donker
jet black bitter breath
2nd last of
save that call
delight them with your charming ways
retro posters
one day
one heartbreak
we cried
that james dean t-shirt
you still have no idea

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

that part never goes right...

Sit down beside me oh sweet only one
I’ve crawled across this town with only one shoe on
Half a knee bruised
Calm down
Let’s stare at the ocean and feel less than some
Let’s share our emotions and benefit none
Reap the fruits of your labour and tell no one
Sit down
Beside me
My darling young one.

Spring drie keer na regs
Knyp een oog toe
Gaan donnerdag uit
en vergeet hoe om te sê ‘hoe?’

Thursday, February 28, 2008

i don't get the horse scene

suzy green had red hair and bi-focals framed in blue her grubby chuck tailors used to be blue too but that was way back when she still had that crush on you

Friday, February 15, 2008

can I borrow your face just to unload my mind?

Spat on the tainted message

one foot only half way in

free that pale swallow from its rusted cage

ignore the indifference dripping from her skin

fourty seven hours since the final blue bell fell

“Kitten, grab your hat

they’re waiting for us in Hull”

farewell misguided smile

they’ll see you clearly now

“Squeeze my hand Moonshiner

let’s take our final bow”

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in

They found her under the second tallest pine tree about 70 metres from the crowd she’d been there for six hours in cut-off skinnies and a washed out wife beater the left red jazz shoe was missing and as one reached out to touch her purple goose fleshed arm she sat upright and incoherently explained: “one walked in, another followed, my collar bone contorted, siphon it out fuck off... chritmas roses.” A final drop and it all made perfect sense.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

one glance to your right could end up keeping you all night

A generally shy girl fell asleep at approximately 8:49pm on her comfortable couch while watching her new favourite show. She’d much rather have been revamping that over-sized wife-beater by attaching a firmer netted braid randomly around the bottom half of the vest. The overwhelming need to finish the revamping project combined with a British boy’s bellowing voice whipped her back to consciousness after roughly 37 of her 40 winks. One and a half sips of tap water later her feet slid into two waffle towelling slippers and started walking towards the dove grey bedroom. Three quarters of the way there she realised that although using fabric glue might speed up the process, it wasn’t necessarily the way to go. It was then that the generally shy girl imagined having to sew the netted braid to the bottom half of the vest using her sewing machine and the available thread she had, Charcoal being the darkest shade of the three and the projects suddenly seemed less appealing. Ironically enough, her desire to add the final touches to what might be the perfect first-date outfit overpowered the disdain that she carried for these courting rituals. Off she went and 182 seconds later he rang.

Friday, February 1, 2008

tell yourself again, but don't tell yourself when

Roll down the smoke screen lick that bottom lip one more time clean out your closet and think about that tall blond boy are you proud say something profound seems like weeks ago that we laughed about the old French guy get it off your chest I’ve made my own ravioli, mistakes and my peace and I’ve never felt more free and i'm certain that it’s the way things are supposed to be met a couple of johnnies in my time impressions left and the san Fran soul gives me a drawn out dirty laugh steady Rollin’ drips of rain it’s still coming and I’m still running she’s heartbroken I’m enlightened smoking a cigarette in my bedroom kind of gross but when I’m waltzing with the holy ghost from Richmond to the coast he would have slept with her twice it’s none of my business just like it’s none of yours but if I remain and I’m to blame and you should ever need me then I’ll go wherever you lead me it’s all the same, the same old game listen closely… appreciate… I still called for him when I thought the other might appear fear enveloped and a single lash dropped my breath is short my days are few come down and take my hand I could go on for ages if I weren’t dismissing what you confessed

Sunday, January 27, 2008

let's agree to disagree

Hunched over a stainless steel kitchen sink sucking the amber flesh off the first mango of summer wondering when exactly this block kicked in confused by the composed demeanour seeping in through the creaking front door could it be the pineapple-cut channelling Joan Jet or her kohled eyes reviving Souxi and her banshees whatever fortune always ebbs and flows change is inevitable

Friday, January 18, 2008

in the end i'm the one that holds you

Missed the eight by ten a stripy towel sealed the deal pale faces and I grasp desperately for one more breath clenching to what might have been that parking spot the heart string spent get me out don’t strain my head quit rhyming Ben my hair’s stripped blonde eyes licked black get out leave Fred Perry’s completely lost here another word won’t make it right GO please go now

Thursday, January 17, 2008

hit it

Excuse me for three seconds while I choke on your hypocrisy. I’ll be back on the next eight when I’ll feel more like me.