Sunday, January 27, 2008

let's agree to disagree

Hunched over a stainless steel kitchen sink sucking the amber flesh off the first mango of summer wondering when exactly this block kicked in confused by the composed demeanour seeping in through the creaking front door could it be the pineapple-cut channelling Joan Jet or her kohled eyes reviving Souxi and her banshees whatever fortune always ebbs and flows change is inevitable

Friday, January 18, 2008

in the end i'm the one that holds you

Missed the eight by ten a stripy towel sealed the deal pale faces and I grasp desperately for one more breath clenching to what might have been that parking spot the heart string spent get me out don’t strain my head quit rhyming Ben my hair’s stripped blonde eyes licked black get out leave Fred Perry’s completely lost here another word won’t make it right GO please go now

Thursday, January 17, 2008

hit it

Excuse me for three seconds while I choke on your hypocrisy. I’ll be back on the next eight when I’ll feel more like me.